New Build SAP Calcuation
The Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) Calculation is a Government calculation method used to demonstrate compliance with Part L of the Building Regulations. SAP Calculations can be used to produce an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) once the dwelling has been built. For new build properties, the calculation produces a Building Regulation Compliance Report (to demonstrate compliance with Part L) and a SAP Worksheet. As part of the calculation process, a Target Emissions Rate (TER) and a Target Fabric Energy Efficiency Rate (TFEE) are assigned to the building and then the building's actual performance is demonstrated by the Dwelling Emission Rate (DER) and the Dwelling Fabric Energy Efficiency Rate (DFEE). If the DER and the DFEE are lower than the TER and TFEE, then compliance with Building Regulations is achieved. SAP can also used as a tool for extensions and conversions under L1B.
Building Regulation L1a Approved Document
We offer a comprehensive support service from Design to As Built Stage, and provide advice on how to gain the SAP pass. Whether a self-build project or large development, we can guide you through the SAP process from start to finish.

Who can produce a SAP Assessment?
Only an accredited Energy Assessor can produce an On Construction Energy Performance Certificate and compliance checklist for new build dwellings and issue it to Building Control for approval.
Here at Chiltern PSC I am accredited by the Stroma and undertake strict auditing procedures to ensure that all of our assessments meet the criteria to ensure accuracy.